1st ESP Quarterly Scientific Webinar 2021

1st ESP Quarterly Scientific Webinar 2021
4:00 PM (GMT+8 / Philippine Standard Time)
via Zoom

Speakers and Lectures

Maria Angelica Mayoralgo, DMD

Maria Angelica Mayoralgo, DMD

Managing Large Periapical Lesions with Combined Endodontic Treatment and Decompression

The situation presented two cases of upper lateral incisors with large periapical lesions and a six months follow up. A Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) was used to further investigate and evaluate the extent of the lesion and come up with a treatment plan. An orthograde endodontic treatment was performed under copious irrigation of sodium hypochlorite, with use of calcium hydroxide + iodoform as intra-canal medication. A decompression procedure was done in association with endodontic treatment on one tooth to reduce pressure and allow drainage. Both cases had a favorable outcome with new bone formation in the periapical region exhibiting partial resolution of the lesion after six months with significant reduction in its size showing signs of healing.

Learning Objectives:

  • Use of adequate diagnostic tools for guide to come up with proper treatment plan
  • Treatment selection should consider the benefits and risks the procedure can do to the patient and should choose the minimally invasive one with possible success rate and least trauma for the patient
  • Endodontic Treatment can be a first choice option in managing large periapical lesion, providing remarkable healing rates
  • Combining Root Canal Treatment with minimal surgical intervention such Decompression gives a favorable outcome, abating extensive surgical approach
  • Advantage of adequate removal of infected pulp tissue and reduction of bacteria through use of antimicrobial agents for irrigation and intra-canal dressing, aides to attain healing of periapical lesions
Christian Tanglao, DMD

Christian Tanglao, DMD

Cutaneous Sinus Tract Associated with Pulpal Necrosis of a Leong’s Premolar

When odontogenic infections develop rare manifestations, patients oftentimes are misdiagnosed resulting to unnecessary treatments. Awareness of such occurrences and their potential causes, in this case pulpal necrosis of a Leong's, are therefore crucial in the diagnosis, treatment, and resolution of of extraoral sinus tracts of odontogenic origin.


  • Describe the occurrence of extraoral sinus tracts and the manner by which they progress
  • Outline the relevant procedures in the proper diagnosis and treatment of extraoral sinus tracts
  • Understand the condition known as dens evaginatus, its potential risks for pulpal involvement and treatment options