2 Hours Lecture
Once one finds the orifices in the pulp chamber, the challenge of producing a continuous tapered root canal shape, as a convenient form for disinfection and obturation begins. All of us are looking for the best file i.e. the safest, most efficient, most predictable, simplest and easiest to handle, can pass through calcified canal, smoothly ease into curve canal while maintaining its natural morphology and affordable files. After all these years since 1993, when Ni-Ti rotary files were brought into the market, many files have emerged and became obsolete from the market. Advancements in file technology such as the GOLD material used in latest files has made these apparently come out as a solution to our search. How do these files solve our routine root canal shaping in endodontic treatment? We need to look deeply into them and let the evidence and knowledge lead us to a better judgement.
1 Hour Hands-On Workshop (2 batches; 30 mins per batch)
How to get started with the latest file system to produce a continuous tapered shape as a convenient form for disinfection and obturation. With the introduction of GOLD wire, which has higher resistance to cyclic fatigue and more flexible, the WAVEONE GOLD reciprocating systemenables clinicians to treat most cases even the apparently calcified canals. The step by step guidelines of usingthis file system is discussed and will be practiced during this workshop. X-Smart IQmotor (a wireless handpiece) will be introduced and used at this workshop.
Learning Objectives for this Workshop:
- Easy and quick mastering of a safe technique
- Appreciate final shaping and its consistent results after obturation